Q. How to place an order with LightCarbon?
A. E-mail to info@LightCarbon.com or Send Inquiry by filling your message and email address in the form (at the bottom of each product page).
We will get back to you within 24 hours by email. You can also call us by TEL: +86-592-6380131
Q. What payment method do we accept?
A. We accept Paypal, Bank Transfer, Credit Card payment methods.
Q. Minimum Order Quantity for our products?
A. For faster delivery, normally we prepare some stock for our hot sell models. Thus, we could accept sample order for MOQ only 1 set for most models of our carbon bike frames, wheels, rims and parts.
Q. Can we customize logo or painting?
A. Yes, we provide customized logo andpainting service, with extra cost. If you need customized logo and painting service, please send us your logo, specify the color, then our sales representative will get back to you with quote.
LightCarbon Warranty Policy
1. Claims For Package Damage Or Loss
For every package that you newly received from LightCarbon, please thoroughly inspect it before signing for.
a) If the package arrives in good condition, sign for it, and keep the waybill and packaging.
In case there is damage found on the product after unpacking the box (though seldom happen), please take pictures of your waybill, packaging, as well as damaged areas of the product, and report to your sales representative in LightCarbon team within 7 days after receipt.
b) If the package is significantly damaged, you need to report this on the express waybill, or refuse to sign for it. Then take pictures and report to LightCarbon. You can also make a claim against the shipping company (and normally there will be a Claim Number or Case Number). Please provide this number to LightCarbon, so we will negotiate with shipping company for compensation, and also let you know the solution (reshipment, or others to be discussed).
c) If the package is significantly damaged, but you accepted it without reporting to delivery company, unfortunately, there will be no recourse and you will have to bear the cost yourself to replace or repair the damage parts (if any).
d) If your package gets lost in transit, please report to your sales rep in LightCarbon. We will make a claim to the shipping company and give you feedback soonest.
2. Warranty Coverage
All carbon products supplied by LightCarbon (including carbon frames/forks/seat post/handlebars, carbon rims & wheels) are offered with 2-Year Warranty (calculated from the date of package being shipped out). Warranty covers quality issues that due to defects in material or manufacturing.
a) If product defects being found and reported within 6 months, LightCarbon is obligated to replace the defective parts and bear the shipping cost.
b) If product defects being found and reported after 6 months and up to 24 months (2 years), LightCarbon is obligated to replace the defective parts, but shipping cost should be paid by buyer.
c) As a manufacturer, we sell our products at best price with limited profit. In any warranty case, we would only bear the replacement parts cost and shipping cost (as wrote in above point (a) and (b)). Any other cost, including but not limited to import duty, tax, disassembly and reassembly cost, are Not to be borne by us.
d) If the original model you purchased is no longer available, we will upgrade you the new or similar model.
3. Warranty Does Not Cover:
a) Incorrect installation, assembly, or maintenance by an unqualified technician.
b) Installation of parts or accessories that are not originally intended for, orare notcompatible withLightCarbon frames/rims/wheels/parts.
c) Damage or failure caused by a crash,accident, impact, improper placement (such as putting the bike too close tovehicle exhaust pipe),misuse of products which exceed its intended usage (such as, Cross Country, Trail, All Mountain, Enduro, Down Hill).
d) The strongest spokes that can be used on ourcarbonrims are double butted 2/1.8/2mm. Straight gauge 2mm spokes are not allowed to be usedto build our carbon rims.(such spokes are too stiff to fitcarbon rims).
e) Wheel building issues if the wheels are Not built by LightCarbon.
f) Normal wear and tear.
Wear And Tear Parts
Wear and tear parts are Not covered under warranty, include:
● Derailleur Hangers ● Cable Plugs ● Bolts & Screws ● Spacers ● Protectors ● Decals & Painting
● Spokes ● Nipples ● Cassette Bodies ● Brake Pads ● Rim Tapes ● Bearings
4. Crash Replacement Policy
In case of accidental crashes, rock strikes,or other unmeant damages to the carbon products that bought from LightCarbon, we offer a crash replacement policy that gives you 10% discount based on the regular price.
a) The time of products being purchased should not exceed 2 years. (calculated from the date of package being shipped out)
b) The shipping cost and other charges after shipping (customs duty, tax, etc) should be borne by the buyer.
c) The crash replacement discount is only one time discount for each carbon frame/rim purchased from LightCarbon, and is only valid for initial buyer, Not transferable.
5. Product Return Policy
If the products you receive do not match your order (subject to confirmed PI),pleasedo not use the product. Please take pictures of the product and serial number and send to your sales rep as soon as possible. LightCarbon will review your PI and negotiate the solution with you.If return or refund is granted by LightCarbon, it will be subject tofollowing conditions:
a) Inconsistent products should be reported within 7 days after package being signed for.
b) The returning products should be brand new and in saleable condition, and should be well packed to prevent damage during transit.
c) Before each returning shipment, please confirm shipping address, express company, and declare value with LightCarbon. Otherwise it would affect our customs clearance and cost, and would also affect the refund process.
d) If return and refund is agreed, the payment will be arranged by LightCarbon within 3 business days after the returned products being received by LightCarbon in good condition.
Support From LightCarbon
Ifyou are a new customer that have not ordered from LightCarbon before, please send generally inquiry to: info@LightCarbon.com
If you are already LightCarbon customers, need technical support or have any other questions regarding our product or service,
please contact the sales rep who you contacted last time, such as Gavin <gavin.woo@LightCarbon.com>, Wendy <wendy@LightCarbon.com>, Carol <carol@LightCarbon.com>, Jim <jim@LightCarbon.com>, and CC to Johnny <johnny@LightCarbon.com>.
In case you do not remember who you contacted last time, please send email to info@LightCarbon.com and mention that you have ever ordered from LightCarbon before. So we will search in our system, and have the correct sales rep to get back to you which will save your time (you do not need to resend past chat or email record).
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